Wasilla Annexation No!
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Wasilla Annexation No!

If you are against annexation of additional land by the city of Wasilla, Alaska, please take a moment to complete the following form. The information from this form will not be used for any other purpose, except to notify you when and where your voice is necessary, and to provide the results to City, Local Boundary Commission officials, and if necessary to the legislature.

No financial help is requested, only a little effort on your part to stop the annexation of your property into the City of Wasilla. The email and telephone numbers are really important, even if you do not want to be contacted, as it might be possible that representatives from the local boundary commission, and potentially some in the legislature will want to confirm that the results are reasonably free from errors.

While it would be nice to get the City of Wasilla to just shut their annexation plans down without further discussion, at a minimum, they should put it to a vote of the affected people. Your help will only be solicited in the following manner, depending where the annexation process is.

1. Attend a future annexation meeting to voice your opinion.

2. Write an email or letter to the City of Wasilla officials, and City Council members (current email and contact information is located on Important Contacts tab).

3. Call City of Wasilla officials, and City Council members, or attend a future meeting.

4. Write an email, or letter to Local Boundary Commission members, or place a call to them.

5. Write an email, letter, or place a call to your representatives in the legislature, or to targeted legislators and committees.

6. Be prepared to testify via telephone at a legislative committee hearing.

It seemed obvious at the Annexation Neighborhood meetings, that nobody wanted to be annexed into the City of Wasilla. City officials who put the meetings on, and attended, for the most part, seemed to ignore this fact. Kind of like they were going to ignore the City of Wasilla Library Committee, and just buy the small mall that had Allisaw Cookware in it.

While many people believe that their VOICE AND THEIR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT, Alaska is a very unique place. Your voice and your vote does count, and City Council members, Boundary Commission members, and members of the State Legislature are very sensitive to the will of the people.